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Guiding at Guapiaçú Ecological Reserve (REGUA)

On June 2nd, I closed the weekend with another guided tour, this time in the Guapiaçú Ecological Reserve (REGUA).

Winter is approaching and more and more different species, such as the Eastern Slaty Thrush (Turdus subalaris), are appearing in the lowlands of Rio de Janeiro. Many Golden-chevroned Tanagers (Thraupis ornata) also showed up, as well as a flock of Plumbeous Pigeons (Patagioenas plumbea), a rare species at such low altitudes in our state. An Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) also posed for photos.

I would like to thank my friends and clients Sérgio Porto, Marcello Coimbra, Fabrício Grigolin, Enéas Lima and Natália for their trust, and see you next time in one of our birding tours!

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