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National Park

Serra dos Órgãos

Serra dos Órgãos National Park is open everyday except for Mondays, from 7am (Teresópolis, montane Atlantic Forest) or 8am (Guapimirim, submontane Atlantic Forest) to 16pm. There’s no admission fee now (just ID with photo and CPF for Brazilians or passport for foreigners is being asked at the entrance).


Main targets: Brassy-breasted Tanager, Pin-tailed Manakin, White-throated Woodcreeper, Rufous Gnateater, Star-throated Antwren, Gray-hooded Flycatcher, White-browed Warbler, Yellow-throated Woodpecker, Brazilian Grosbeak, Saw-billed Hermit, Pale-browed Treehunter.


Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro


80km (1:20h)

Suitable for a full day tour or a three-days Serra dos Órgãos pack tour, added with Três Picos State Park and Saíra Azul Bird Lodge.

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