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Cópia de Pico da Caledônia 02.jpg

Pico da


Pico da Caledônia is located in the highest elevations of Nova Friburgo, in the Serra dos Órgãos mountainous region. It’s a free-access road that leads to the local TV towers station and is surrounded by elfin Atlantic Forest.


Main targets: Gray-winged Cotinga (endemic to Rio de Janeiro), Rufous-tailed Antbird, Green-crowned Plovercrest, Diademed Tanager, Serra do Mar Tyrannulet, Bay-chested Warbling-Finch, Rufous Gnateater, Large-tailed Antshrike.


Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro


155km (3:00h)

Suitable for a two-days tour together with REGUA Bird Lodge or Sítio Virtuoso Bird Lodge.

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